The Times: Cutting the mustard with Hannah Evans

The latest Eat! Section in the Times (21st September 2024) is all about making the most of mustard. Once regarded as little more than an accompaniment to a Sunday roast, mustard is now available in so many options and offers so many more opportunities for enhancing your dishes with its warmth.

Hannah serves up three recipes using mustard, along side six delicious dressing and a review of 12 of the best mustards to buy.

Romas Foord has photographed the section beautifully, reflecting mustard’s yellow colouring with a gorgeous golden glow. We, of course are particularly delighted to see the honey mustard chicken recipe in a Netherton Foundry prospector roasting tray.

Whether you like the traditional punch of English mustard, long associated with roast beef or prefer your yellow more mellow, you should find your perfect pick from Hannah’s comprehensive list.