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Midweek Nigel Slater recipe for pan-fried chicken with thyme and lemon

We are in awe of all of you who plan out an entire week’s menu and therefore a shopping list, in advance. At Netherton HQ a little book sits on the kitchen table to keep notes of any essentials that are running low and need to be replenished with the next trip to the shops. Add to that the things that don’t get used every day, the ones it’s so easy to forget until you reach that line in the recipe and could have sworn there was some of the elusive ingredient in the back of the cupboard.
Photograph: Jonathan Lovekin
Armed with the little book to cover the basics, the rest of our shopping expedition is pretty free style, inspired by what looks good, is in season, anything on offer and occasional treats.The exception to this is any special additions we are going to need for new recipes that we have picked out of the cook book collection. The aim is to make at least one totally new dish a month, something we have been doing for over 30 years, and more if time allows. From then on, dinner is a pick and mix affair of whatever is in the fridge, the veg basket and the cupboard. Nigel Slater’s Greenfeast books are fantastic for throwing   together delicious combinations, with little faff and fuss and we regularly consult these to work out what to do with the eclectic selection that looked so good in the trolley!
GreenFeast Autumn Winter: Read more and buy                    GreenFeast Spring/Summer: Read more and buy.
Nigel’s midweek dinners in the Observer are another source of inspiration when imagination flags and by 3.00 in the afternoon all you can think about is dinner with absolutely no idea what that dinner is going to be. Never complicated, but always tasty, these recipes speak to the Wednesday slump like no-one else. This week’s dish of pan-fried chicken with lemon and thyme should take about 30 minutes to make and cooked in a Prospector Pan it is elegant enough to take straight to the table!   Winning at Wednesdays!

Read the recipe in full on-line in The Observer/ Guardian here. 

Nigel used a 10" (25.5cm) Prospector Pan: spun iron, double handled, oven safe in the recipe, More information and buy here.

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