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Pimp your pumpkin! Tony Turnbull, The Times

Autumn harvest: It's been a mixed year in the garden at Netherton HQ, but one thing that has done well has been the squash patch.
And now we are all set up to make the very most of them, thanks to 6 delicious recipes by Tony Turnbull in The Times and The Sunday Times.  Once again the truly talented Romas Foord has photographed a couple of the recipes in Netherton pans: you can see the squash and paneer curry in a prospector pan and the roast squash with green sauce in a prospector roasting tray.
The full recipe selection can be found here in the Times on-line.      It's behind a pay wall but here's the latest £1 for 3 months offer.
All of our prospector pans are here.    
And the roasting tray is here.

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