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is back in production & you really can buy one again,
yes really!

 So what happened & what's all the fuss about

Well it's a longish story.  Last Autumn Nigella very kindly mentioned the Netherton slow cooker in the pages of Good Housekeeping 
(in both UK and Australia). 
Very, very shortly afterwards we were hit by an avalanche of orders. Within a month we had used up all the components that we expected to have lasted until this summer. The parts we make ourselves and the bits made locally for us weren't a problem, we had all of this sorted by Christmas.

 Why has it been the world's slowest slow cooker ?

Well, we need to import a few bits, they are quite simply not made in the UK. This was the problem area and it took another 2 months to solve. The final part to arrive was a small, black, plastic switch, worth less than a pound. They used to be made in the USA but they now only come from China. These arrived 3 months late and were made to the wrong specification! They would be perfect in an electric fan but were useless in a slow cooker. At this point we all felt like it was time to do something easier,  like brain surgery or launching a satellite.
Eventually we had the switches re-made and a few weeks ago a small, very expensive package arrived with the correct switches. Since then we've been beavering away fulfilling our back orders and those for customers on our waiting list.

 We have the world's most tolerant customers.

We must now take the opportunity to thank these very wonderful people, many have been waiting since the end of October. We are very grateful for their understanding and patience, as what we expected to be a 4 week delay turned out to be a 4 month battle.
It's amazing to receive emails and pictures from customers who have been telling us what they've been cooking when their long awaited slow cooker finally arrived.

 Anything New?

During the delay we have taken the opportunity to do some little tweaks on the slow cooker.
These include:
- Thicker metal on the heater base body.
- Plastic feet have been replaced with turned oak feet. 
- The box containing the switch and wiring is now metal instead of plastic.
- We've dropped the power just a little:
    Some users have asked us for a slow cooker that cooks a little bit slower when the bowl is not full.    
    The high power setting maximum power is now 220watts ( it was 250watts), typically 5 hours cooking with a full bowl.
    The low power setting maximum power is now 150watts ( it was 180watts), typically 8 hours cooking with a full bowl.
    The keep warm setting (extra slow cooking) is unchanged at 70 watts. 

What's happening now?

We are busy building slow cookers every day but as demand is still very high they will take a week or so to arrive if you order today.

People are still talking about the slow cooker......




Want to know more about the Netherton Foundry Slow Cooker ?

 Click the link here to look at the slow cooker:
 Click the link here to look at our electric tagines:

NAC  15.04.2016

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